To order your custom pickups, If your browser does not generate an email using the link above, email me at: SDPICKUPS(PUT "AT" SYMBOL HERE, NO SPACES, NO PARENTHESES)COMCAST.NET BEFORE YOU CONTACT ME, PLEASE READ THE PRICE LIST PAGE AND WARRANTY/GUARANTEE BEFORE CONSIDERING MY PICKUPS. MY ORIGINAL DESIGNS THAT NO ONE ELSE MAKES, AND ALL THE VINTAGE LAB SERIES OF PICKUPS HAVE VAST AMOUNTS OF SHOP TIME TO PRODUCE AND ARE PRICED ACCORDINGLY. My being a one man business, with products popular in many countries, there is usually a back log of orders to get to. Your payment puts you in line to get your custom pickups made, I carry no stock ready made sets. Wait time is seasonal, getting longer towards the end of summer and almost no wait in December/January. Patience is the key. Please read my Harmony Central reviews under SD Pickups for what my customers think of me and my products. I ANSWER EVERY EMAIL, BUT IF YOU DON'T HEAR FROM ME, EMAIL ME AGAIN. IT SOMETIMES TAKES ME SEVERAL DAYS TO GET TO YOUR EMAIL SO BE PATIENT, THANKS. I prefer not to take phone orders, phone calls quickly eat up a whole work day, I'd rather be making YOUR pickups, and making the most of my work day time. That said, I WILL extensively discuss your needs via email; emails give me a written record of our discussions to refer to when doing your order, this works best for me. Thanks, Dave Stephens |